Our Project & How it Helps


Some students have trouble filling their applications out and thinking about which career or college to choose from.

How it Helps

This app would help students get their applications checked as well get recommendations if they wanted to if they could ot decide on a career by explaining what the career is.


It would help students have a guide to know if their application is correct.They would have a checklist to see what else they need to apply to a college. and tips for the things they are working on like essays.

How our App could look like

'Caption Here!'









Our mission is to try to help students that attend to High School in the United States and foreign to have a better plan and idea about the college application, the steps that they need to take, and to keep them on track with their application.

Our Goals

Our goal is to help those students in high school that doesn't have an idea about what colleges and careers that are good for them, so we are trying to help them giving some list of colleges and careers that they may be interest in when they have to start looking for it.

Any questions? contact us via Facebook call us 1-646-707-TIPS
